Friday, 25 March 2011

How to do it the South African Way - Today: Tips

At the beginning of our trip, we often wondered how much tip we give to which people...but as time goes by, we know the score:

  • Parking: R2-5 (depends on the length of your shopping tour)
  • Petrol station: R2-5 (when they clean our windows, we mostly give them 5 rand)
  • Restaurants: about 10% of your bill (as long as the service is good)
Of course, there are also a lot of beggars on the streets. Depending on my mood I give them a bit of my change sometimes. Some of them are also very happy to get some food. So if anything of your food is left, ask them if they would like to have it. It's better then dumping it in the bin anyway.

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